Saturday, 6 June 2015

Yummy Yummy Family Smoothie

Every day Archie and I make a smoothie together and Pete joins in at the weekends. I have been doing this with him since he was 1 year old. Archie absolutely loves smoothies and the process of making them. I find its a great way to get some more veg in him! He loves spinach and peas, which I have been giving him with great enthusiasm since he was weaned. 
He helps me make the smoothie most days. I get everything ready that we need and Archie puts the contents in the container (while popping a few bits of fruit and peas in his mouth). Todays smoothie was a bit of a random one. Archie selected the fruit and Actimol, but 3 staples that are in most of our smoothies are frozen or fresh spinach, banana and chia seeds.
 Todays recipe (which was very tasty I promise) is as follows
1x Banana
1x Clementine
handful of blueberries 
4x frozen cubes of spinach
2x raspberry Actimols
1tsp cinnamon
2tsp Chia Seeds
topped up with water

Our smoothie maker is a Nutribullet and we love love love this. It is the most used item in our kitchen. It truly is awesome and so easy to use and blends up frozen fruit, ice and nuts no problem. I have managed to convince a few friends to get one this passed year and they are really happy with it too.

Just wanted to briefly mention Chia seeds. I only heard about them through a friend a few months ago, but since then they are used every single day. They are tasteless and tiny and they get sprinkled or mixed in just about everything in our house. They have 5x more calcium than milk, high levels of omega-3, omega-6, potassium, antioxidants and fibre.

Sometimes Archie has his own cup and the rest of the time he shares mine and Daddy's : )

Finally, when the drink was over, Archie decided that Baby Doll Alex want to drink some! 

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