Wednesday, 5 August 2015

Elderflower Wine

We went elderflower picking with my Mum (Archie's Nana). Ofcourse I wasnt making the Eldeflower wine, but my mum was. We had a lovely time and Archie really enjoy helping put the flower-heads in the buckets. The flowers were just starting to drop so just a few days later and it would have been too late to collect them. I now have a store of them in my freezer ready for my Mum to make the next batch. The cordial is delicious and works well with, water, lemonade or soda water. My Mum will not share the recipe to make the elderflower wine, its top secret, ha ha!

I can't wait until the Autumn and we can take Archie blackberry picking and stock up the freezer for our daily smoothies. Blackberries are so expensive to buy in the supermarkets and yet they are abundantly available across the hedgerows for FREE! Everyone is into this fad about blueberries being a superfood at the moment but blackberries are actually are much more nutrient rich. They contain half the amount of sugar, and much more fibre, protein, vitman C, vitamin A, calcium, finer, potassium etc than blueberries. 

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